Writes data from a buffer to the stream and returns the number of bytes written.
Source position: classesh.inc line 1253
public function TStream.Write( |
const Buffer: TBytes; |
Offset: LongInt; |
Count: LongInt |
const Buffer: TBytes; |
Count: LongInt |
const Buffer; |
Count: LongInt |
):LongInt; virtual; overload; |
Write attempts to write Count bytes from Buffer to the stream. It returns the actual number of bytes written to the stream.
This method should be used when the number of bytes that should be written is not determined. If a specific number of bytes should be written, use TSTream.WriteBuffer instead.
As implemented in TStream, Write does nothing but raises EStreamError exception to indicate that writing is not supported. Descendant classes that allow writing must override this method to do the actual writing.
Descendant classes should (if they don't explicitly raise an exception) return a positive value (>=0), where zero indicates an error.
In case a descendant class does not allow writing to the stream, an exception is raised.
Reads data from the stream to a buffer and returns the number of bytes read. |
Writes data from a buffer to the stream. |