Exception raised when an error occurs in a method of TBits. |
Exception raised when an unknown class is referenced in a streamed component. |
Exception raised when an error occurs in the component registration routines. |
Exception raised when an error occurred during creation of a TFileStream stream. |
Exception raised by the component streaming system if an error occurs. |
Exception raised when an error occurred during creation of a TFileStream. |
Exception raised when the resource header needed for streaming of a component is invalid. |
Exception raised when an invalid operation is performed. Obsolete. |
This exception is no longer used. |
Error raised when an observer error occurs. |
Exception raised when the system is out of resources. |
Exception raised when an error occurs during the parsing of streams. |
Exception raised if an error occurs while reading from a stream. |
Exception raised when a resource, needed to initialize a component, is not found. |
Exception raised when an error occurs during read or write operations on a stream. |
Exception raised when an error occurs in a method of TStrings. |
Thread error exception. |
Exception raised when a thread is destroyed illegally. |
Exception raised when an invalid operation is attempted on an external thread. |
Exception raised when an error occurs during writing to a stream. |
Designer notification interface. |
Interface implemented by an object that can be observed. |
Interface for an object to observe other objects. |
Interface for checking component references. |
Interface for maintaining a list of interfaces. |
Persistence streaming interface. |
IStringsAdapter Interface declaration. |
Com automation Object interface. |
Abstract driver class to read stored component data. |
Abstract driver class for writing component data. |
Abstract base class for all Actions. |
Link between actions and action clients (e.g. controls). |
Driver class descendant which reads component data stored in binary format. |
Driver class which stores component data in binary form. |
Class to store collections of bits (binary values that can be 0 or 1). |
Stream of bytes. |
Base class to manage collections of named objects. |
Implements IEnumerator for the TCollection class. |
Basic object that is managed by a TCollection class. |
Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality. |
Implements IEnumerator for the TComponent class. |
Abstract stream that stores its data in memory. |
Container for non-visual components. |
Class responsible for streaming of components. |
Stream that stores its data in a named file on disk. |
Class to manage collections of pointers. |
Implements IEnumerator for the TFPList class. |
Base class for streams that are identified by an OS handle. |
TPersistent descendant which implements the IInterface interface. |
Standard implementation of the IInterfaceList interface. |
Implements IEnumerator for the TInterfaceList class. |
Class to manage collections of pointers. |
Implements IEnumerator for the TList class. |
Standard implementation of a stream that stores its data in memory. |
TCollection descendant which maintains owner information. |
Stream which uses a second stream as a source. |
Class to parse the contents of a stream containing text data. |
Base class for streaming system and persistent properties. |
Proxy stream for the IStream interface. |
TBytesStream descendent with some single-byte string methods. |
Generic reader object which reads component data from any given source. |
Helper class for storing published properties. |
Stream that reads its data from a resource object. |
Base class for streams. |
Implements IStream for TStream descendants. |
Standard implementation of the TStrings class. |
Class to manage arrays or collections of strings. |
Implements IEnumerator for the TStrings class. |
Stream that stores its data in a string. |
Driver class which stores component data in text format. |
Abstract Thread class. |
Thread-safe list object. |
Object to write component data to an arbitrary format. |