Unit 'Classes' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


The IDispatch:Invoke call for automation servers.


Source position: classesh.inc line 2425

function IVCLComObject.Invoke(

  DispID: Integer;

  const IID: TGuid;

  LocaleID: Integer;

  Flags: Word;

  var Params;

  VarResult: Pointer;

  ExcepInfo: Pointer;

  ArgErr: Pointer



Invoke must invoke the method designated by DispID. IID can be ignored. LocaleID is used by the caller to indicate the locale it is using. The Flags argument describes the context in which Invoke is called: a method, or property getter/setter. The Params argument contains the parameters to the call. The result should be in VarResult. On error, ExcepInfo and ArgError should be filled.

The function should return 0 (S_OK) if all went well.

See also



The IDispatch:GetIDsOfNames call for automation servers.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025