Point in a plane.
Source position: typshrdh.inc line 64
type TPoint = packed record |
public |
X: LongInt; |
Horizontal position. |
Y: LongInt; |
Vertical position. |
class function Zero; |
function Add(); |
function Distance(); |
function IsZero; |
function Subtract(); |
procedure SetLocation(); |
procedure Offset(); |
function Angle(); |
class function PointInCircle(); |
class operator equal(TPoint,TPoint):Boolean(); |
class operator notequal(TPoint,TPoint):Boolean(); |
class operator add(TPoint,TPoint):TPoint(); |
class operator subtract(TPoint,TPoint):TPoint(); |
class operator assign(TSmallPoint):TPoint(); |
class operator explicit(TPoint):TSmallPoint(); |
end; |
TPoint is a generic definition of a point in a 2-dimensional discrete plane, where X indicates the horizontal position, and Y the vertical position (positions usually measured in pixels), and 0,0 is the origin of the plane.
Usually, the origin is the upper-left corner of the screen, with Y increasing as one moves further down the screen - this is opposite to the mathematical view where Y increases as one moves upwards.
The coordinates are integers, (32-bit, signed) so the coordinate system runs from -MaxInt to MaxInt.
Rectangle in a plane. |
Area size. |