Unit 'sysutils' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#rtl]


Create a new TUnicodeStringBuilder instance.


Source position: syssbh.inc line 43

public constructor TUnicodeStringBuilder.Create;

constructor TUnicodeStringBuilder.Create(

  aCapacity: Integer


constructor TUnicodeStringBuilder.Create(

  const AValue: UnicodeString


constructor TUnicodeStringBuilder.Create(

  aCapacity: Integer;

  aMaxCapacity: Integer


constructor TUnicodeStringBuilder.Create(

  const AValue: UnicodeString;

  aCapacity: Integer


constructor TUnicodeStringBuilder.Create(

  const AValue: UnicodeString;

  StartIndex: Integer;

  aLength: Integer;

  aCapacity: Integer



Create creates an empty TUnicodeStringBuilder instance. It can optionally set the initial capacity to aCapacity and the maximum capacity to aMaxCapacity and can also initialize the string buffer with characters from aValue: aLength characters starting at StartIndex (1-based) will be copied to the string buffer. If aLength and StartIndex are omitted, then all characters are copied.

See also



Current capacity of the string buffer.



Maximum capacity of the string buffer.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025