Unit 'sysutils' Package
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Convert a single-sized floating point value to a string.


Source position: syshelph.inc line 700

public class function TSingleHelper.ToString(

  const AValue: Single

):string; overload;

class function TSingleHelper.ToString(

  const AValue: Single;

  const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings

):string; overload;

class function TSingleHelper.ToString(

  const AValue: Single;

  const AFormat: TFloatFormat;

  const APrecision: Integer;

  const ADigits: Integer

):string; overload;

class function TSingleHelper.ToString(

  const AValue: Single;

  const AFormat: TFloatFormat;

  const APrecision: Integer;

  const ADigits: Integer;

  const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings

):string; overload;

function TSingleHelper.ToString(

  const AFormat: TFloatFormat;

  const APrecision: Integer;

  const ADigits: Integer

):string; overload;

function TSingleHelper.ToString(

  const AFormat: TFloatFormat;

  const APrecision: Integer;

  const ADigits: Integer;

  const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings

):string; overload;

function TSingleHelper.ToString(

  const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings

):string; overload;

function TSingleHelper.ToString: string; overload;


ToString will convert AValue (or Self in the plain method version) to a string. Optionally FormatSettings can be specified, to be able to specify the decimal separator character to use.

Additionally, a precision APrecision and number of digits ADigits can be specified, in conjunction with a AFormat parameter to specify the form in which the floating-point value must be represented. (see TFloatFormat for an explanation of the various values). In this case, FloatToStrF is used to format the value. In the absence of these parameters, FloatToStr is called.

See also



Convert a float value to a string using a fixed format.



Convert a float value to a string using a given format.



Formats for the FloatToText function.

Documentation generated on: Feb 20 2025