Truncate a floating point value.
Source position: line 131
function Trunc( |
d: ValReal |
):Int64; |
Trunc returns the integer part of X, which is always smaller than (or equal to) X in absolute value.
An invalid floating point operation error may occur in one of several conditions:
Return fractional part of floating point value. |
Calculate integer part of floating point value. |
Round floating point value to nearest integer number. |
Program Example70; { Program to demonstrate the Trunc function. } begin Writeln (Trunc(123.456)); { Prints 123 } Writeln (Trunc(-123.456)); { Prints -123 } Writeln (Trunc(12.3456)); { Prints 12 } Writeln (Trunc(-12.3456)); { Prints -12 } end.
program ex124; { Example to show various error conditions for the Trunc() function. SysUtils is used to convert the runtime error to an exception that can be caught Math is used to have access to Nan and (Neg)Infinity } {$mode objfpc} {$h+} uses sysutils, math; var D: Double; Q: QWord; L: Int64; begin D := 2.0 * High(QWord); try Q := Trunc(D); except on E: Exception do writeln(E.ClassName,': ',E.Message); //EInvalidOp: Invalid floating point operation end; D := NaN; try Q := Trunc(D); except on E: Exception do writeln(E.ClassName,': ',E.Message); //EInvalidOp: Invalid floating point operation end; D := Infinity; try Q := Trunc(D); except on E: Exception do writeln(E.ClassName,': ',E.Message); //EInvalidOp: Invalid floating point operation end; D := NegInfinity; try Q := Trunc(D); except on E: Exception do writeln(E.ClassName,': ',E.Message); //EInvalidOp: Invalid floating point operation end; D := -2.0 * High(QWord); try L := Trunc(D); except on E: Exception do writeln(E.ClassName,': ',E.Message); //EInvalidOp: Invalid floating point operation end; end.