Return high byte/word/nibble of value.
Source position: line 942
function Hi( |
b: Byte |
):Byte; |
i: Integer |
):Byte; |
w: Word |
):Byte; |
l: LongInt |
):Word; |
l: DWord |
):Word; |
i: Int64 |
):DWord; |
q: QWord |
):DWord; |
Hi returns the high nibble, byte or word or longword from X, depending on the size of X.
Size | Return value |
8 | Byte, High nibble |
16 | Byte, High byte |
32 | Word, High word |
64 | Cardinal, High DWord |
Note that in Delphi or TP, this function always treats its argument as if it was a Word, so the results may differ from FPC.
Return low nibble/byte/word of value. |
Program Example31; { Program to demonstrate the Hi function. } var L : Longint; W : Word; B : Byte; begin L:=1 Shl 16; { = $10000 } W:=1 Shl 8; { = $100 } B:=1 Shl 4; { = $10 } Writeln (Hi(L)); { Prints 1 } Writeln (Hi(W)); { Prints 1 } Writeln (Hi(B)); { Prints 1 } end.